District Trivia is emerging from our COVID chrysalis and evolving with a brand new CONTACTLESS digital trivia system designed for the 21st century and beyond!
Because we care about nothing more than the heath and well being of our hosts, players, and venue staff, we've been working overtime during our COVID hibernation with our partners over at Digital Pomegranate to build a brand new digital trivia interface for the post-COVID era. We call it Triviamatic and we're excited to share it with you!
We'll have the same great hosts, the same great trivia, and we'll be hosting again at most of the same great venues you love. The only difference will be no more pen and paper, or having to wind your way through the crowded venue to drop off your answers at the host table, or confusion with hearing the subtle meaning of the questions as you can now read them yourself!
All you have to do as a player is download the free Triviamatic app to your phone. We'll take care of the rest!
Click Here for the Google Play Store
Click Here for the Apple App Store
We can't wait to finally see you in person again and for you to join us on our journey as we evolve and grow together! :)