Why hire us at your venue? Because you want more regulars!
We bring the questions, the hosts, the music and the fun, and keep your customers entertained for 2 to 2.5 hours each week. And we always pick up after ourselves. It's turnkey for you and your staff.
Sure, we keep your current customers happy, giving them another reason to enjoy hanging out at your place.
PLUS we tap into the elusive information-junkie that loves our trivia games. We also work closely with regional partners to bring additional prizes and promotions to your venue. About 4,000 trivia fans play our games every week, often making District Trivia night the busiest night of the week at our venues.
Our trivia players become your weekly regulars, intentionally, thanks to our semi-annual tournaments. Trivia teams have 5 months to compete to represent your venue at the finals, and win the widely publicized $5,000.
To represent your bar, though, the team will have to win a semifinal game among the teams that have had the highest cumulative scores for each of the 4 months of the tournament. In other words: repeat customers - these teams come back every week to add to their monthly scores just to qualify for the tournament.
Interested in a weekly trivia event at your venue? Send us a message
Why hire us for your event? Because we're going to bring in the fun!
We provide perfect entertainment for the thinkers, the gregarious partiers, the team players – the rowdy and the shy alike. We write the questions, run the games, provide the hosts and make sure everyone who wants to play is involved and having fun.
Ideal entertainment for:
- Office parties: this is team building at its finest – perfect for the office picnic or holiday party. No eye-to-hand coordination or athletic skills are required to play. Mix up staff for trivia teams and improve inter-office collaboration or pit departments against each other and increase camaraderie among coworkers.
- Family reunions: you haven’t seen Aunt Sally in years, and after just a few minutes, you remember why. Take the pressure off small talk, distract the grandmothers from pinching cheeks, and keep the teenagers from sneaking into the liquor cabinet by bringing District Trivia to your party. We can even customize some questions to keep the family on its toes.
- Private parties: whether it’s your birthday, anniversary, baby shower, wedding rehearsal, bar mitzvah, you won’t be able to entertain everyone for the entire event. There’s just only so much of you to go around. Bring in District Trivia, and we’ll keep your guests entertained!
- Charity events: skip the typical event and engage more donors by adding District Trivia’s interactive games to your auction or casino night. We can customize our questions and structure our games to help you hold memorable, lucrative fundraisers.
- Ceremonies: with the best hosts in the DMV, we can MC your special event - introduce speakers, raffle items, etc. We are professional entertainers.
Want us for your next private event? Send us a message