District Trivia
We've got questions, you've got answers!
Bailey M.
Bailey M.
Bailey feels strange writing about himself in third person, but nonetheless here he finds himself. A Drexel graduate with a degree in Physics, he used to help the Navy blow stuff up, but now works for NASA building satellites and stuff. Bailey is a rare breed in that he's an actual DMV Area native (PG County, born and bred), although he lived in and around Philly for about 12 years. When not hosting trivia, Bailey enjoys playing sports (baseball/softball, rugby, and currently learning to play hockey), watching his beloved DC teams fail him year after year (Caps, wtfffff), binge watching stuff, and trying to convince people to play a real version of Chardee MacDennis: Game of Kings. Oh, and beer. Lots of beer.
You can catch him at Justin's Café on Tuesdays and the occasional spot sub around MD and DC.
Hope to see you out there!
PS - Hell yeah he occasionally rocks pink shades. Problem?